Workshop: results and presentations

Workshop: results and presentations

The event saw the participation of around 50 spectators. Links to the photographic review of the event and the download of the presentation files are available in the news.

The event saw the participation of around 50 spectators. Links to the photographic review of the event and the download of the presentation files are available in the news.

An event full of contents that were discussed during the meeting held in the Terrasi room of the
Palermo Chamber of Commerce. In particular, great attention was paid to correct design
of modern irrigation systems, the use of technological platforms (AVIGERE and SIAS) and new measures
economic policies that will be adopted with the 2014-2020 PSR.
Irriworks and E.Lab thank everyone for their participation and collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce, Order of
Agronomists of Palermo, Regional Department of Agriculture, Prof. Ing. Pumo and Dr. Agr. Gambino.

As requested by several participants, the presentations of the interventions are made available (only those received).

State of the art in irrigation design
Dr. Agr. Carlo Gambino

The design of micro-irrigation systems
Prof. Eng. Domenico Pumo

Innovative tools for design and case studies
Eng. Pietro Mario Di Dio (Irriworks Srl)

AVIGERE project, an application example of precision viticulture
Eng. Alessandro Scordo (E.Lab Srl)

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