
With Universities and Professional Associations

Irriworks alongside Universities and Professional Associations

Over the years, our company has entered into many agreements with universities and professional associations

Thanks to our agreements, many universities and associations can obtain the license of our Irriworks software at favorable conditions and prices

For faculty, researchers and students of the Department of Territory and Agro-Forestry Systems (TESAF) of the University of Padua for teaching purposes. It is possible to request one or more IrriPro Educational licenses (starting from March 3, 2018)

For faculty, researchers and students of the Faculty of Agriculture for teaching purposes and scientific research on irrigation. It is possible to apply for one or more Educational licenses of IrriPro (starting January 7, 2013)

For faculty, researchers and students of the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences for teaching purposes and scientific research on irrigation. It is possible to apply for one or more Educational licenses of IrriPro (as of May 23, 2013)

Supply agreement for faculty, researchers and students of the Dept. of Agribusiness and Environmental Systems Management for educational purposes and scientific research on irrigation. It is possible to apply for one or more Educational licenses of IrriPro (starting November 27, 2013)

For faculty, students and graduate students of the Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of São Paulo (ESALQ/USP) – Brazil to apply for one or more IrriPro Educational Pro licenses (starting April 26, 2021). The courses are attended annually by 200 students (Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulics) and 120 graduate students (Agricultural Engineering)

For faculty, researchers, and students of the Department of Applied Ecology and Landscaping at Mendel University for teaching purposes and scientific research on irrigation. It is possible to apply for one or more Educational licenses of IrriPro (starting October 6, 2015)

For all members of the Association of Agronomists and Foresters of the Province of Palermo for professional use. It is possible to apply for one or more licenses of IrriPro with discounts from 25% to 40% (starting Feb. 20, 2012)

For all members of the Association of Agronomists and Foresters of the Province of Catania for professional use. It is possible to apply for one or more licenses of IrriPro with discounts from 25% to 40% (starting July 24, 2015)

How to get an Agreement

Does your university, your membership organization or your professional associations not yet have an agreement with Irriworks? Contact us to find out how to join the initiative and make new agreements available