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Partnership with KisanHub

  • 07 Aug

Irriworks is proud to announce its partnership with Arjun Technology Ventures Ltd, a technology start-up based in Cambridge UK, pioneer in farm management systems.


Arjun Technology Ventures has created KisanHub, an innovative system of farm management, easy to use, web-based and able to provide all the information necessary to support your decisions, from real time localized weather information up to the price of seeds and many other services to farms. Irriworks continues more and more to believe in the future and the need to provide farms with all the necessary IT tools for the management of the farm itself, therefore Irriworks will always continue to provide IrriPro, the most advanced software for the design of irrigation systems but today, with this partnership, would also like to advise all its users the usage of KisanHub, an advanced system that definitely represents the future of farm management.
Irriworks hopes that this is just the first step towards a fruitful partnership at european and international level.
For all users of KisanHub, Irriworks has a special discount. For more information click here.
