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Irrigation softwares

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In this page it will be dealt with irrigation design software and other tools to design irrigation systems. Nowadays engineers involved in the design of irrigation systems make use of tools such as abacuses, graphs, tables provided by manufacturers of materials for irrigation in their catalogs. Are also developed spreadsheets and several companies offer software to design irrigation systems, but these are based on approximate algorithms. Typically, these software are created for small projects of irrigation systems for public parks and gardening, and make use of simplifying assumptions valid only for small plants for irrigation. Therefore, these instruments, and also the irrigation software proposed by third parties, are inadequate for professional use and for the design of irrigation systems of large dimensions. In summary, the design of irrigation systems is now based on:
  • Empirical methods, slow and laborious, which consist in testing, directly in the field, the material to be adopted in the irrigation system;
  • Abacuses/graphs or tables provided by manufacturers of materials for irrigation in their catalogs;
  • Tedious mathematical procedures that consider only standard and unrealistic through the use of simple or sophisticated spreadsheets;
  • Irrigation design software, based on approximate algorithms, usually born for small projects of public green and gardening, which are supported by simplifying assumptions valid for small irrigation systems but less suitable for professional use and for the design of large sizes irrigation systems. These software, based on inaccurate calculation criteria, are more dedicated to the CAD drawing of irrigation systems, rather than a professional complete project equipped with a reliable hydraulic calculation.
There are other methods that combine the classical equations of hydraulics, but do not consider the characteristics of hydraulic functioning of the emitter resulting in inaccurate or too expensive in terms of IT resources and difficult to implement in software for irrigation. The following table summarizes the comparison between the different design procedures:



Rapidity of Design

Accuracy of the result

High Irrigation Efficiency

Quick Data Input

Irrigation material database

Empirical methods


Abacuseses and graphs


SbS Procedure (spreadsheet)






The solution for any need

IrriPro softwareIrriPro is available with FREEWARE license for small systems and with basic features, with fully featured for limited time or with never ending LIFETIME licenses.


IrriPro has a CAD-style user friendly interface, designed to be used by engineers, agronomists and other technicians. They have all the analisys tool needed to estimate the consequences of any design choice and to represent the trend of any physical parameter.


The DB is not a list of passive elements, but a way to make the most of the software using existing material on the market.


The irrigation software IrriPro is the only tool that optimizes the use of water and improves the distribution uniformity, increasing the system efficiency and ensuring the correct distribution of water and fertilizers. Moreover IrriPro reduces the system realization costs, improving quantity and quality of agricultural production.
